Janice Brezik Sendak
Board Certified Advanced Practice Nurse
500 Level Trained Yoga Instructor
Certified Wellness Educator
My yoga courses are evidence-based practices to improve physical flexibility, endurance, strength, cognition, mood, & manage stress.
Classes are based on whole body movement exercises targeting the longevity model for heart & lung health including neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, balance, & mobility.
I believe that through yoga, we can develop skills to liberate our energy and direct it towards a more positive way of being, for a fulfilling, well-lived life.
Take my hand and allow me to serve as your guide on this journey for a happy, healthy life as we age.
First class free.
Courses are held via Zoom 1 day a week for 6 consecutive weeks.
Each class is 75 minutes, offered on
Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00-10:15 AM & 6:30-7:45 PM EST.
$100 per course.
All 6 week courses can be offered in a 75 minute clinic format
via Zoom or in-person.
Drop-in classes available. $20 each.
Private sessions are 1 hour. $75 each.

The Fountain of Youth
7 Fundamental Movements for Mobility
Whole body movements with proper posture alignment to maintain healthy joints and range of motion are imperative to healthy aging. Many everyday tasks mimic basic exercises known as functional movements. It's important to develop and maintain quality movement patterns as we age and build our strength, flexibility, and balance to ensure our independence and prevent injury. In this course you will learn how to use your breath with movement to purify your mind and body improving clarity and reducing stress; somatosensory body awareness to learn new healthy patterns of movement; build strength, flexibility, and balance through 7 fundamental movements for healthy aging. Whether you're on the tennis court, playing with grandchildren, or never been to a gym, it's never too early or late to preserve your functional ability to enjoy life as we age.

Yoga for Posture Improvement & Balance
Reboot Your Computer Posture
I'm sure you've heard, "Sitting is the new smoking." An exaggerated rounding of the mid-spine, kyphosis, disturbs the natural curvatures of the spine causing a head forward position and results in increased risk for health problems and pain. Good posture is not just throwing your shoulders back and sitting up straight. Chronic poor posture results in greater rates of mortality and physiological aging. Studies have shown an increased risk for atherosclerosis, lung problems, pain and anxiety. The body reshapes itself to your postural habits. The earlier you begin to shift, the better.

Fascia Relief & Rejuvenation for Aging Backwards
Our fascia is a webbing of connective tissue encompassing everything in our bodies: nerves, blood vessels, muscles, bones, organs. Think of Spiderman- as you pull on one string, it distorts and compresses the opposite end. As we age our fascia stiffens and loses its resiliency. Hydration through movement targeting the Lines of Fascia help keep the suppleness in this intricate complex system from our "toes to our nose." Keep the bounce in your step as you age with this course.

Yoga for Bone Health
Osteoporosis is defined as a condition in which the bone becomes fragile and more likely to break. Fortunately, having an active lifestyle with intelligent exercise, nutrition, and good posture can modify the risk of developing this condition. This course builds neuromuscular awareness, coordination, balancing skills and habits of posture and movement; Poses based on research that influence the quality of your bone and reduce the risk of fracture. Research has shown that 75% of fractures occur in people without the diagnosis of osteoporosis and are the result of falls. Strength and balance training are critical to reduce the risk of injury as we age.

Yoga for Heart Health
Existing models suggest that the primary pathway by which yoga uniquely influences BP is via reduction in stress response due to an increase in self regulation. The global effect of active asana practices, pranayama (breath), and meditation has a balancing effect on the autonomic nervous system. Opening the chest musculature creates more space for our heart and lungs to operate releasing long held muscular and connective tissue tension. Active stretching improves flexibility and may take tension off blood vessels allowing for the relaxation response to increase circulation. Holding poses statically has shown to increase the workload of the heart muscle itself. Maintain your health and well being with this course.

Motion is Lotion. Enjoy this combination of freestyle, learned dance patterns, Tai Chi, the Jitterbug, Twist, Cha Cha, Can Can, Kick Boxing moves all within the framework of a Mind- Body Yoga Practice. This fun class energizes the body and relieves stress; building strength, flexibility and balance through whole body movements while improving cognition and memory. Oscillatory movements in dance hydrate and rejuvenate fascia maintaining its resilience allowing us to keep the “bounce” in our step as we age. Incorporating aerobic activity to increase cardiothoracic fitness and the 7 fundamental movements for healthy aging through dance and yoga postures. Join me with Cyndi Lauper, Spanky & Our Gang along with a host of others for a fun filled yoga/dance class.
Yoga / Dance
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Yoga for the Equestrian
Find Your Sweet Spot In & Out of the Saddle, Banish the Competition Butterflies
DHARMA- A rider’s proper seat, feeling, and influence are all equally important and absolutely inseparable in order to ride in a relaxed, supple way. In this clinic, you will learn how common Musculo-skeletal imbalances distort the natural curves of the spine affecting our ability to balance along the Plumb Line of our bodies; exercises that can help correct this imbalance by increasing Core strength, flexibility, and maintain joint integrity ; develop breath and body awareness to increase our somatosensory and kinesthetic intelligence; practice strategies that calm the mind & body to achieve balance, looseness and the ability to follow movement of the horse for a more enjoyable ride.

Yoga to Improve Your Tennis Game & Reduce Risk of Injury
The game of tennis requires the use of all muscle groups: Upper & Lower Chain in addition to Core. Effective hitting requires a transfer of energy from multiple segments of the body in a coordinated effort. When striking a ball, your feet push against the tennis court to propel your body forward, activating your Core and stabilizing your trunk to maintain your center of gravity. The racquet acts as a runner in a relay race, accepting the power of the energy from your legs, core, back, and arms and transferring it to the ball. A strong Core is essential to maintain balance and joint integrity through proper alignment keeping your spine centered over your base of support to prevent injury. Tennis is a cardiovascular demanding sport that requires a great deal of Mental Focus: Pranayama- Breath Awareness which strengthens the Diaphragm & increases Lung Vital Capacity and Meditation- developing Interoceptive Body Awareness. In this workshop, we will focus on Diaphragmatic Core Breath, Anticipatory Inner Spine Core Stabilizer Muscles, Proprioceptive & Interoceptive Awareness, Musculo- skeletal strength & flexibility for balance & joint integrity.

Yoga for the Desk Jockey
Reboot Your Computer Posture
Cartilage covers your joints and allows them to glide smoothly. As we age, it can wear away causing bones of the joint to rub against each other without this cushioning effect resulting in Osteoarthritis (inflammation). “Motion is lotion” preventing stiffness and lack of ROM in the joints. The correct type of yoga can facilitate circulation to the joints, build strength & flexibility to maintain proper alignment & joint integrity, and promote a happier lifestyle with less pain and physical limitations. Hip strength is important in individuals with knee arthritis because it decreases the workload of the Quadriceps and places less force on the knee. Hip Abductor weakness (Glute Med) is common in hip & knee arthritis. When the Abductors are weak, you might shift your WGT over the hip where you feel pain when you walk. That causes the pelvis to tilt downward instead of upward, which puts compression on the inner knee. Strengthening the Hip Flexors & Extensors (Quads & Hamstrings) is vitally important along with stretching the Internal & External Hip Rotators to maintain proper balance and alignment of the body. Releasing dense fascia & stretching can improve circulation & hydration to the joints.
Mary B.
"Jan’s long-time career as an RN and a CRNA has provided her with a significant background in medicine, including anatomy, physiology, and living a healthy lifestyle. Her transition to certification in yoga/wellness has incorporated her medical knowledge into her practice which makes her a unique instructor. I have benefited greatly from her sessions, including a marked improvement in flexibility, muscle tone and strength, breathing techniques, stress management, and an increased awareness in mind and body. She is an amazing teacher!"
Mary H.
"I began weekly yoga classes with Janice Sendak in February 2022. The goal of these yoga classes has been to improve and maintain the abilities to continue activities of daily life and to improve our joy and peace. I’m a 67 year old female, career was a registered nurse (hemodialysis, surgery, and a few years in ICU). Due to the career and bad habits, I have chronic lower back pain, and cervical area pain. The result has been poor posture and difficulty with; bending, crouching/squatting, reaching for things above my head with extended arms. Since Janice’s classes I have increased my strength, improved my posture and I’m more stable on my feet while squatting, standing and walking. Janice is excellent explaining the muscle groups involved in these actions, making sure that she can Zoom in on our body alignment while performing the postures. Janice also takes the time to discuss intentions and the importance of meditation and breathing for our spiritual and emotional life. I appreciate this type of yoga class that the instructor has a focus and the knowledge to guide others. I will continue classes with Janice."
"I have had the best experience with Jan as my yoga instructor. She is extremely knowledgeable and has a personalized approach to teaching yoga. She keeps her class sizes small so that she can give individual attention to you. She has been so helpful in making sure that I do not injure myself, as I have had knee problems in the past. The class that I have been taking is focused on aging and maintaining your strength and flexibility as we age. She takes great care in making sure that you are doing the poses correctly so as not to cause injuries. She also has great tips on maintaining your balance, strength and flexibility as we age and what you should work on between classes. In addition to her knowledge, she also makes the classes fun. She's so excited about your progress as you move through her classes and become stronger and more fit. I look forward to her classes every week, she is the best!!"